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Full Speeches
True Mother's Message at the HJ Cheon Won Special Assembly(July 1, 2016)
Date created : 2016-07-07/ Views : 568
Mother's Speech at the Special Assembly at the HJ Cheon Won under the Dominion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 

July 1, 2016 (5.27 on the heavenly calendar) 

Where have we all gathered today? We are at the HJ Cheon Won complex. Don't you feel the garden of Eden here at HJ?
For so long, our Heavenly Parent has wished for this one world. This is the dream that all human beings have wished for and the one world that has met its true owner through True Parents. What would the people who live in this world look like? 
Our Heavenly Parent created heaven, earth and humankind. God had a dream for humankind that could not even be imagined during the past six thousand years in the fallen world. Today is the day that humankind has awaited eagerly for and wished for throughout the six thousand years of history from the Bible. As citizens of Cheon Il Guk, we have received the Blessing through True Parents to be growing and moving forward from this starting point of a new providential history in the true position of children. We should be in the position in which all 7.3 billion citizens of the world attend and understand True Parents’ will. Yet until that time, as citizens of Cheon Il Guk, It is our responsibility as couples who have already received the Blessing, to teach, show and lead the way. 

Especially through HJ Cheon Won, we show all humankind that this is the garden of Eden that God has dreamed of, heaven on earth. Though the people who live there face many difficulties—in being aligned as if at high noon, when there are no shadows, and in becoming one, with one mind and one will in front of Heaven—we should have gratitude and give glory to Heaven for our being in a position to receive the Blessing as we do our best every day, working toward the one world that our Heavenly Parent wishes for. If we do that, it is not possible to have disharmony, and self-centered thinking cannot arise. Do you understand? You are all one. Regardless of above or below or of hierarchy as superiors or subordinates, we have one goal. In order to achieve this, we should have a heart of gratitude for the great blessings that we have received from Heaven. Truthfully, we are not in a position to be fully qualified as citizens of Cheon Il Guk, but I have opened the path for us to develop and move forward toward that position. I have given you the opportunity to fill in that deficiency. 

As people who live in the center of the garden of Eden, you must become centered models for the entire world because you live and work here. You must set the standard. Members and citizens from all of the countries in the world should look toward you and say, Ah, I should live and act like that person.
I wanted to tell you that this is what you should become. You will do that, right? (Will you do this?)

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