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Full Speeches
True Parents' Message to National Leaders at a Resolution Rally for the Fulfillment of Vision 2020 (December 16)
Date created : 2017-01-10/ Views : 676

True Mother's Message at the National Leaders Resolution Rally for the Victory of Vision 2020


December 16, Cheongshim International Youth Training Center


Beloved members of UPF and of the Citizens’ Federation for the Unification of Korea, many things have happened throughout this year. Especially because of global warming, I imagine this past summer must have been difficult for all of you. I would like to congratulate you for fulfilling your responsibilities even through those times.


I believe that day or night, our hope is unification. Seventy-one years has passed since Korea’s unintentional division into North and South right after liberation [from Japan]. Yet, the reality that our long-desired wish remains far-fetched despite the great passing of time tells us that we need to understand clearly what the problem is.


Originally, God created the heavens and earth, all things and even the animal world. Then he created Adam and Eve, who would become the first human ancestors. God especially gave our human ancestors responsibility. The fulfillment of that responsibility was God’s dream and hoped. However, during the growth stage, Adam and Eve developed self-centered greed. The day that God's dream is realized is the day when [human beings] have matured to become absolutely one with God and receive God's blessing. Due to the failure of the human ancestors, God has not been a God sitting on top of an exalted throne, instead he is a sorrowful parent who has been wandering about in order to find his lost children.


For God, the beginning and end has to be the same. That is why he could not just leave fallen human beings alone but began the providence of salvation. How difficult it must have been that it took four thousand years to find and prepare an individual, a family, a tribe and a people through the Israelites, whom God had chosen as a good people among all humanity! At that time, there was a large realm called the Roman Empire. People said that all roads led to Rome. Heaven prepared this kind of environment. However, what happened? Heaven sent the only begotten son of God, but in the end, the Israelites did not fulfill their responsibilities. Mary was unable to fulfill her responsibilities. Zachariah’s family and Judaism were unable to fulfill their responsibilities. Jesus lost all of the foundation prepared by heaven and therefore had no place to stand. In that environment, Jesus had no choice but to go the way of the cross. He said he would come again. He said he would come back and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. If Jesus was the only begotten son of God, at that time, Mary, Zachariah's family, and Judaism should have prepared an environment to receive the only begotten daughter of God. If that had happened, Jesus could have gone beyond Rome to the world and achieved one world centered on God, the kingdom of God on earth, at that time. You know what kind of indemnity those who had destroyed this great blessing paid, historically. For two thousand years, they were a people without a nation. Around the time of the returning Messiah, a nation called Israel, which was about one-fifth the size of South Korea formed. We cannot just ignore this or be unconcerned. The 2,000-year Christian providence was a one to lay the foundation for the only begotten daughter of God, who had been unable to appear at Jesus' time. Heaven does not reuse central figures or nations that have failed in their responsibilities. Therefore, Heaven had to choose a nation to prepare the foundation for the only begotten daughter of God. That nation is what is today Korea. [Applause]


A nation that has received heaven's blessings has a responsibility. God had to establish a new providence in the satanic world to find and raise his only begotten son and daughter, which was very difficult. However, through these people, and through the birth of God’s only begotten son and daughter, the Returning Lord, the Savior, the True Parents of humankind emerged. [Applause]


No way exists for fallen human beings to stand in Heaven’s presence directly, though they long to. They must go through indemnity. It is as if, in the biblical metaphor, the wild olive trees wished to become true olive trees. This means that only through True Parents, who come as the true owner, can we become true olive trees. I am repeating this, but that is why God's wish and humankind’s wish has been for True Parents.


The historical providence centered on True Parents began in this nation. However, for this small nation, Korea, Heaven chose America, which represents the free democratic world to create the environment similar to the Rome of 2,000 years ago, which should have carried the small nation of Israel on its back towards the world. Christianity was corrupt in Medieval Europe. In England, the King James translation of the Bible began a new movement of faith. This movement produced the Puritans. They immigrated to a new place to find religious freedom. This set the condition for America to receive blessings in front of Heaven.

However 200 years after its founding, America was becoming sick due to extreme individualism and selfishness, the breakdown of the family, youth problems and drug problems. The nation that had said it would attend God was beginning to lose God. During that time, in 1971, though there were still many things this Korea had to learn about its responsibilities, Rev. Moon, the True Parent, knew what Heaven wanted and Heaven's plan for the providence, and therefore went to America and said “America is suffering and I have come as the doctor. I came as a fire fighter responding to a call" and woke America up. America woke up from its sleep. America had to become a nation that attends God again in order to form the environment for True Parents to realize the global providence. In line with God's wish and humankind's wish, which is for one human family centered on God.


I heard that the global population has now far surpassed 7.3 billion. The number shows us how pressing today’s situation is from True Parents’ and Heavenly Parent’s perspective. I know you have received a report on the inauguration of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace. Why do you think I am developing this work? No one individual can resolve all the problems arising in the world today. Human power alone cannot resolve them. Since God is a causal being, we must conduct a movement to attend God. The same thing applies to this country. That God has blessed this country is beyond doubt, but you need to understand clearly that responsibility accompanies blessings. Let us remember again, what kind of indemnity the Israelites had to pay historically. You all have worked hard. However, when we look at the current situation of this nation, when you look at the political problems... What do you think? The conclusion is because God presides over these people, they must become a people that center on and attend True Parents. All politicians must become citizens that attend True Parents. Embed in your hearts that only then will the nation work well. [Applause]


 You can now take pride in the fact that this nation is Heaven’s chosen nation. Yet, this is a chosen nation because True Parents were born here. Hence, you must make others aware of True Parents. How can you just stay still? You must make others aware. Hope will arise for the unification of the two Koreas when it is pursued centered on True Parents. This means that True Parents must gain actual influence. Only by doing that are fighting brothers able to come together. That is why I am thinking of mobilizing all organizations to re-educate the entire nation. [Applause] This, the chosen people’s nation, must become one that God presides over directly; viewed in this way, all religions must unite. What is religion’s purpose? Joy is possible only when you are attending God. I know that you are working in every field. You should take pride in that, and you must actively cooperate so that this chosen people can stand up straight in front of the world and can become a people that fulfills its responsibility.


 A hundred years ago, Tagore, a great poet from India, wrote the following: “Korea was one of its lamp-bearers. And that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again for the illumination in the East.” What is the lamp? What is light? It is the truth, the true word. The way for Korea to survive within the world is by spreading the word. The word is this nation’s sole pride. You must speak about True Parents proudly. Do you understand? Only on that path can our hope for unification… Our hope is unification. I sincerely hope that you can all strongly advance, not only for the unification of the two Koreas but also for the unification of the world.



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