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Full Speeches
True Parents' Message at the Inauguration of IAPP (November 30, 2016)
Date created : 2016-12-20/ Views : 784

The Providence in America and the Role of Representatives

True Mother delivered this address on November 30, in the Kennedy Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building, in Washington DC at the global launch of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace.  


Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, after the proposal of IAPP at the beginning of this year, in Seoul, Korea, we have successfully concluded inaugurations of IAPP starting from Asia, continuing to West Africa, Europe, Central America, South America and back to East Africa until we came to meet here today in Washington DC. Until we could meet here, we have seen many distressing incidents in the world, incidents that are indescribable, beyond words. The world has come to a point in which the power of humans cannot solve their problems. Then, what must we do?

We must begin a movement in which our families, our nations and the world attend God, the original owner of the universe. However, in the reality of today's world, even though our hearts want to do that, putting it into practice is difficult. The original Creator, God, created all things in the cosmos, he created the animal world and last he created Adam and Eve, who would become the ancestors of all humankind. He especially gave Adam and Eve responsibility. That responsibility was the responsibility to achieve God's dream. During the growth stage, in the position of absolute unity with God, they should have reached the position to receive the Blessing. They should have gone through that process of growth. Nevertheless, during the growth stage, they became greedy. They began to look inward. That means they grew farther apart in their relationship with God. In the end, the first human ancestors, who should have been the True Parents, fell, and became false parents and began to multiply, which became all humankind. However, the omniscient and omnipotent God had to achieve his purpose of creation. The beginning and the end must be the same, which is why God had no choice but to go through a very lonely and difficult course, the history of providence. As it says in the Bible, God selected the chosen people of Israel and after the long period of four thousand years; after not four hundred, not forty but four thousand years, God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. How difficult must it have been that it took four thousand years to send him! Fallen human beings could not immediately come into Heaven’s presence. They had to set indemnity conditions in order to go forward, which is why Heaven's providential course for restoration through indemnity, briefly put, meant suffering through blood and tears. God's wish was for the lost True Parent of humankind to be regained. That person was the messiah, the savior.


The ultimate tragedy  

However, what happened? The situation of the people of Israel was that they were under a great empire, the Roman Empire. They used to say, "All roads lead to Rome". God placed the people of Israel in that environment and he sent the Messiah through those people. If the people of Israel, especially Mary, Zachariah's family, Joseph's family, Judaism, had united with Jesus and led the way along Heaven's providence, through the Roman Empire as a stepping-stone, one human family centered on God, the kingdom of heaven on earth, would have come to fruition at that time. However, what happened? The people around Jesus, who should have fulfilled their responsibilities, did not fulfill them. Since that transpired, the place for Jesus to stand disappeared. In conclusion, Jesus had to follow the way of the cross, saying he would return. He said he would return to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. Those words meant that Jesus had not been able to be in the position of a True Parent, therefore the returning Messiah, must absolutely be and go forward as the True Parent. We can look at the two thousand years of the providential history under Christianity, as the providential period to establish the position of the only begotten daughter of God.


America’s role

As part of Heaven's historical providence to send the returning Lord, Heaven especially chose this nation. Medieval Christianity was corrupt. Through the Puritans, who wanted freedom to worship God, our Heavenly Parent, as they wished and through those emigrants who migrated to the American continent, God gave birth to this nation, the United States of America.

There were native people on this continent. However, Heaven raised America through the people who could create the foundation and environment for the returning Messiah. He blessed them. Responsibility follows the people that Heaven blesses. However, two hundred years after its founding, what was the United States' situation like? America was suffering from malaise that led to a period of extreme individualism and the breakdown of the family, problems with the youth and problems with drugs. At that time, Rev. Moon came to America from Korea, a small nation in Asia. Rev. Moon, who was aware of Heaven's providence, knew he had to protect America, and knew Heaven's providential plans for America. Rev. Moon said, "America is suffering and I have come as the doctor. I came as a fire fighter responding to a call.” He woke up righteous people and American intellectuals. At that time, many famous pastors responded.


True Parents’ efforts

In 1976, here at the Washington Monument, the National Mall, where three hundred thousand people gathered, Rev. Moon urged America they had to wake up and become a nation responsive to God. Through that, the nation that God originally blessed could fulfill its responsibilities. Under the banner, “God Bless America" and through continuously holding great rallies, Rev. Moon was able to pull the heartstrings of good American families. Because of that, young people in America were reborn. At that time, most Unification Church members had been hippies. They understood what responsibility they had to fulfill in response to Heaven's summons. God had raised and cultivated America to become a democratic nation that had the same great power as the Roman Empire two thousand years ago. We spent a period of forty some years here in America. This was so that America could build the foundation for the True Parents, the returning Lord, who came for the sake of the world, for the world’s people and so that America as a nation would embrace the world as one, thereby becoming one family under God and achieving God's great dream.


The Red menace

During that time, within the Christian culture, communism, which proclaimed that God was dead, emerged. At that time, communism occupied more than two-thirds of the world, coming right up to America's nose. However, America had been complacent and did not recognize how seriousness the situation had become.

Washington DC, which we might call the capitol of the world, had only one major newspaper, the Washington Post, and just based on the common sense of democracy, this was something that should not be. We could say that some people in this nation are among the wealthiest people in the world. People consider it a rich nation, but most people were not fully alert to the danger that communism posed to democracy. If America had stayed in that defenseless state, the America of today would not have come to exist.

At that time, Rev. Moon, to create the Washington Times used all of the money from our world mission budget. Just by looking at it with common sense, you can see many expenses that entailed. Rev. Moon nurtured the Washington Times and informed America through it. He enlightened the conservative world. Rev. Moon did this because he hoped that America, from the viewpoint of Heaven's providence, would survive and become a nation that would achieve God's dream.


True Parents are essential

In order for Heaven to save fallen humankind, people absolutely need True Parents, the savior and messiah. That is why God had to fritter away the long period of six thousand years. God gave humankind responsibilities, and from among humankind, a person that can be the True Parent must emerge. Therefore, someone has to achieve God's providence and God's dream, which is why fallen humankind absolutely needs True Parents, the Savior and Messiah. True Parents are the True Parents, the Messiah, the Savior....

Because they are the True Parents, they worked to save this great nation of America. However, human power alone cannot possibly solve all the bleak problems that are occurring all around the world. I want to say this to all of you gathered here today: God originally had a dream to become the True Parent of humankind. You all are among the 7.3 billion children God wishes to embrace. However, according to the principle of creation, the descendants of the humans that did not fulfill their responsibilities cannot directly come into God presence. The Bible has a metaphor about the wild olive trees and true olive trees. Fallen human beings in the world, wild olive trees, can only become true olive trees through True Parents. Therefore, the person that humankind absolutely needs today is the True Parent.


Agents of the people

Legislators and other leaders in the United States and from around the world who have gathered here, you have an important responsibility. You are important. In this new providential age, more than just individuals, God needs you, intermediaries who represent the people, so you must spread forth a movement that attends God in your family, society, nation and the world. This is the way for you all who live in the world today to become filial children and loyal subjects in front of our Heavenly Parent. I am saying we must all become God's true children. I pray that all of you can unite and become the people who will realize God's dream, humanity’s wish.




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