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2017 Purification Azalea Festival Holds Hyo Jeong Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration True Mother’s Message (May 6, 2017)
Date created : 2017-05-10/ Views : 1150
Purification Azalea Festival Holds Hyo Jeong Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration

True Mother’s Message

May 6

Beloved blessed families! On your way here, what type of heart did you come with? Did you come with hearts of anticipation and gratitude? You all are joyful people. The course of heaven’s providence in seeking fallen humankind has been very difficult. You have learned from the word how difficult the course was, the long period of four thousand years until sending God’s only son, Jesus Christ, was possible. With much difficulty, God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, who could become the first human ancestor able to fulfill God’s dream. However, the foundation for Jesus to unfold the providence could not be made. The purpose of Jesus’ advent was for him to come as the True Parent of humankind. Thus, it was Mary’s responsibility to find God’s only daughter. However, what happened? Jesus lost the foundation and had no choice but to go the way of the cross, saying he would return and hold the marriage banquet of the lamb. Yet, after Jesus died on the cross, through the resurrection by the Holy Spirit, Rome recognized Christianity after 300 years. Then, centered on the Italian Peninsula, Christianity spread to the world through Europe. Yet, they did not understand the purpose of Jesus’ coming or his true nature, and Christianity repeatedly made mistakes. God, the Creator had a dream when he created all things and then created the first human ancestors. That dream was to become the True Parent of humankind. It was Adam and Eve, who could have become the first ancestors, who thwarted that dream. It took a long period, four thousand years, to send God’s only son, Jesus Christ, who could become the True Parents. Yet, once again, humankind could not fulfill its responsibility. Nevertheless, the omniscient and omnipotent God must absolutely achieve that. According to the Principle of Creation, God established, as a principle, that he cannot do everything. He established this principle in order to receive human cooperation. That is why on the foundation of winning and on being victorious over all indemnity, God’s only son and God’s only daughter, who are able to become humankind’s ancestors, must be born. Christian culture is the providence of seeking God’s only daughter, who had not been found at that time. However, Christians today do not know what is correct or how to overcome indemnity to meet the true owner. Heaven chose the Korean people, who were able to seek the foundation for God’s only daughter and who found God’s only daughter, born bare of all indemnity conditions and without original sin. Since liberation, this nation has spent sixty-seven years between democracy and communism, unable to unite. This cannot be done with any ideology or doctrine. It cannot be done with religious or economic strength. Only through uniting with the True Parents, the true owner, is unification possible. Today, you all have gathered at a very important place. This place—where you learned through the works of the holy spirit of Dae-mo nim, who gave birth to God’s only daughter, instructed you through difficulties, and guided you on the path of becoming devoted children to Heavenly Parent and True Parents— is uniquely under True Parents’ authority. That is why, those of you who have gathered here today are at a connecting point of three eras. You are in the place where you can become historic central figures and historic ancestors of human beings of the past, present, and future. Your responsibility is to liberate all your ancestors, the spirit world, who throughout history, until now, have been unable to meet True Parents. I’m referring to ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing. Do you understand? That work cannot be done away from Cheongpyeong. Do not forget that as God’s homeland this nation has the responsibility and mission to guide all the world’s 7.4 billion people to Heaven’s embrace. You must fulfill your responsibilities as tribal messiahs in your families. Looking toward the future, you have been given the opportunity to become ancestors that your descendants can be proud of for a long time. Only three years remain until 2020. You must be victorious and proudly dedicate to Heavenly Parent this nation, in which God can dwell and reign freely. The owner of this nation is Heavenly Parent. Politicians say they will take responsibility for this nation. If such people exist, they must receive a seal from True Parents. Shouldn't a person who will establish a nation in which Heavenly Parent can spread his grand will freely, take on that responsibility? Therefore, it cannot end here. Christian culture spread to the world through the Atlantic civilization. We, centered on True Parents, together with other Asian nations will open the Pacific civilization, [and achieve] the dream our Creator, Heavenly Parent wishes for, one human family under God, the wish of all of humankind—nations of peace and happiness! I earnestly wish you to become proud, active workers for peace who will bind the world as one to create the kingdom of heaven on earth centered on God.  

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