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The 57th Anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding True Mother's Message (April 12 2017)
Date created : 2017-04-26/ Views : 1375

The 57th Anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding

April 12

What is today? Is it a joyful day? Of the four seasons, spring is when all creation revives. In this beautiful season, due to human ignorance, many living things are dying from fine [airborne] dust, yellow dust. Do you know this? Human beings, because of the situation of the world today, are suffering from uncontrollable insecurity and fear. It is as if humankind is heading out to sea without a captain or compass. The world has become a dark place, unable to take even one step, unable to speak of hope for the future. To summarize, it can be said that it became so bad that the true owner of the world act as the owner. 

Originally, God created all things in the universe and then created humankind’s first ancestors, Adam and Eve. They should have grown well and had a beautiful dream together with God.  However, during the growth stage, Adam and Eve developed self-centered greed.  They looked to themselves before the time was right.  Humankind’s ancestors could not wash away their mistake, which led to the world’s current situation. In summary, the result was that God, who should have been the owner of the world, could not act as the owner.  However, the start and the finish of the omniscient and omnipotent God must be the same. God's will must absolutely be achieved.  Therefore, Heaven had no choice but to take the lonely and sorrowful path of the providence of restoration through indemnity. Relative to the rest of the fallen world, God raised a good people and gave them hope. We know this well through the Bible.  How difficult must it have been that it took four thousand years? For the first time in four thousand years, God sent his only son, whom humankind had wished for dearly. However, the environment around Jesus, the Israelites, figures in Judaism, Zachariah's family and Mary were unable to fulfill their responsibilities. They did not understand Heaven's providence or the purpose of Jesus' coming. Due to those who should have formed Jesus' environment not completing their responsibilities, Jesus had no foundation to stand on. So he had no choice but to go the way of the cross.  He said he would come back and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. The marriage supper of the Lamb! That day was the day Heavenly Parent’s dream, humankind’s wish, could have been realized! If the Israelites had accepted Jesus as God’s only son at that time (which God had waited patiently for) he had been able to meet the only daughter of God and had been able to go forward as the True Parents, through Rome, a part of the great Roman Empire, all the surrounding nations would have been absorbed and united. If that had happened, God's wish and humankind's wish would have been achieved and the world as one family under God, the kingdom of heaven on earth, would have been realized. 

However, what happened to the Israelites who did not receive Jesus as the owner? For two thousand years, they were a nationless people and then in WWII so many people had to take the path of death. That was their history. Why is this? This was because it was indemnity for being a people who had not fulfilled their responsibilities for the Parent, and [for Jesus] to become the Parent. However, they are unaware of this. Jesus said he would return and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. God must select a nation for the foundation of the only daughter of God and give birth to the only daughter of God, who could not be born at Jesus' time.

 That honor went to the Han people. Please applaud! After Jesus died on the cross, for Christianity to find its place took three hundred years.  That was the work of the Holy Spirit; in summary, Christianity—which human beings who did not know God's purpose of creation or his nature—created has left many stains.  How could communist thought, which asserted there was no God, come from Christianity, which professes God’s existence?  Through Heaven's sad and lonely providence of restoration through indemnity, the only daughter of God could be born among the Han people. 

Regarding the IAPP, leaders from nations around the world are continuing the inaugurations. A few days ago in India, which has a population of 1.3 billion, 120 legislators met at the Parliament in the presence of the president and prime minister. That shows how strongly people—though they don't know what it is—possess the hope of living in accordance with Heaven's will. Britain has been involved with India since the 1600s. During the age of the Atlantic civilization, Europe's important coastal nations spread Christianity through global trade.  Through that, England has had a long relationship with India.  Hinduism, India’s traditional religion, could not receive Christianity, so in the end, a new level of providential work had to be done through India. However, as we held the regional inaugurations of the IAPP, a righteous person appeared. In India, a nation of 1.3 billion people, truthfully, our foundation is not strong, because it is difficult to register and work as a religion. However, through members who recently joined, we were able to achieve this great victory. 

I am speaking of this because human beings today are looking for hope amidst all this despair.  One hundred years ago, the Indian poet Tagore... Korea liberation occurred in 1945, so this was before that. He came to Japan and looking at Korea, he wrote a prophetic poem. "In the golden age of Asia, Korea was one of its lamp bearers/And that lamp is waiting to be lit once again/For the illumination of the East." What does the light signify?  Light is truth, the Word. The Word must be the Heavenly Parent’s Word, the Creator’s.  The poem was recited like this, a hundred years ago.

Heaven, through a righteous person, created the foundation to be able to send the Returning Lord, however the foundation of Christians, who did not understand the providence was difficult.  Nevertheless, today, we have overcome all obstacles and the only daughter of God and the only Son of God... Jesus Christ was born without sin two thousand years ago. The only daughter of God was born without original sin.  This is the truth.  On the day of the marriage banquet of the Lamb, the only daughter of God and the only son of God, born without sin, accepted God's will! Glory in heaven, humankind's joy, wish, and hope! However, we do not know the reality and are ignorant;  no completion is possible through ignorance.  Blessed families, who have received the blessing through True Parents, must inform others, must teach others.  In order to do that, national restoration is urgently needed. The problems that this nation is facing, between North Korea and South Korea, cannot be solved by politicians.  Ideologies cannot solve it.  Only one thing can solve this problem, the True Parents! When all large or small nations, centered on True Parents, unite as sibling nations, true peace for humankind will come. 

However, at this time, we are being pushed left and right by a few strong nations, these nations need someone to educate them. Christianity came from ignorance, not knowing anything. You know the providence.  You have been learning for 57 years.  In light of that, you, blessed families, have responsibilities.  True Parents' manifestation should have been achieved on a national foundation.  When we think of this... Everyone! Today, tomorrow—until the last moment of your lives… You mustn’t leave just your name behind.  We need results.  That is why I wish to make a Cheon Il Guk family record.  The members who have received the blessing will become the ancestors of the past, present, and future.  This is for you to decide.  This is your responsibility.  Then what must you do? Will you take responsibility for national restoration?

The task you are facing, heavenly tribal messiahship, is the urgent priority.  You must also fully advance toward solving the problems the world is facing today.  You must boast of, inform, and teach others about True Parents. That is your responsibility. Do you understand? Will you do that? I pray sincerely that you will make that determination today.



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