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True Parents' Message at the ACLC Luncheon (9.9.2017)
Date created : 2017-09-21/ Views : 1485

True Parents' Message at the ACLC Luncheon

September 9, 2017 (07.20.05 on the heavenly calendar), Cheon Jeong Gung


We are living in a new era of the providence. The two-thousand-year history of the Christian providence has ended and a new history of Cheon Il Guk has begun. Until now, you have said that you understand God, but you have been unable to know Him to His satisfaction. Unaware of God’s situation and the purpose of creation, you continued to ask for help saying, “God, help me!” or “Please help my child!” Yet there is not one person who understood God’s circumstances and said that they would fulfill [the purpose of creation] for Him.


God created all things and a man and woman to become the first ancestors. He said they were good. God gave only human beings responsibility. He gave them responsibility because he cannot achieve his dream without human beings’ cooperation. During their growth period, Adam and Eve should have grown up looking only to God from a position of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Yet Adam and Eve did not do so. They became concerned with themselves and became greedy. They wanted to become like God before the time was right. Falling away to a position unrelated to God was the Fall. God wanted to see Adam and Eve grow up healthy and beautiful and bless them to be together; God wanted to be present within them at that time. In other words, God’s hope and dream was to become the substantial True Parent, residing in the first human true parents. That is God’s principle of creation! God is omniscient and omnipotent. He cannot have failure. Therefore, you should know that God is not someone who sits arrogantly up on a throne, but that He has lived all this time with so much pain, sorrow and resentment.


Even though the Fall occurred, it is the principle of creation for a perfected man and a perfected woman to be born among fallen humankind, receive God’s blessing and fulfill God’s dream. Fallen human beings cannot go in front of heaven. Thus, God began the providence of salvation. In a fallen world, God established a good people, the Israelites. How difficult it must have been for heaven to lead the providence through the providence of restoration through indemnity from the stages of the individual to the people. How difficult it must have been that it took four thousand years! For the first time in four thousand years, God was able to send His only son, Jesus Christ. However, what happened? Jesus had no place to stand since everyone who should have helped him by forming an environment failed to fulfill his or her responsibility. Hence, in the end Jesus had no choice but to die on the cross….


Humankind has committed one more greatly unfilial act in relation to Heaven. They drove the one person who should have become the true parent to the cross. Two thousand years of Christianity was built on that. People were unaware of the essence. As he was dying on the cross, Jesus said he would come again. He said that when he came, he would host the marriage supper of the Lamb. Therefore, since Jesus said that he would host the marriage supper of the Lamb, he could not have come in the spirit. He needed to come in a physical body. I can talk a long time about this, but in short, for the first time in six thousand years, Heaven brought His only daughter to be born through the Korean people. The only son and daughter, who had fulfilled their responsibilities wed and became the True Parents.


What you need to know here is that once a person or a nation, chosen by Heaven, does not fulfill the requisite responsibilities, the person or nation is not used again. This is because that person or nation now has indemnity. Indemnity! We know this from history. The Israelites wandered for two thousand years as a people without a country.


All of you, as spiritual leaders, are people who need to know this truth in front of fallen humankind. However, you should also be aware of the timing. When winter comes to a country where there is only hot weather, you would not wear summer clothes. You would freeze to death. In the Bible, there is a verse that says, “New wine must be put into fresh wineskins” [Luke 5:38]. Since the Israelites were nomads and did not settle in one place, they might have done this because of their environment. However, you who are spiritual leaders, armed with the truth, need to take off everything you wore in the past and put on the new words of truth. Do you understand?


Nature, which did not fall, continues to flow according to the laws of nature that God created but is also suffering because of fallen human beings. All over the world, natural disasters are happening. China sustained a lot of damage, but America is also suffering. Why is this happening? You should learn to fear God. You need to understand Him. You should not lead people in any which way you please under manmade systems. Think about this. Do you know about monarch butterflies? Their wingspan is only 8 centimeters but they migrate more than five thousand kilometers from Canada to Mexico. Who taught them that? This is the truth. It is the law of nature. Yet human beings are the only ones who are ignorant. We need to return to nature and understand God.


Due to True Parents, we are living in a new era, Cheon Il Guk. The owner of the universe is God but the reason he cannot manage everything is that human beings need to understand our Heavenly Parent and go back to Him. Only then can this earth and human beings have eternal life according to the laws of nature. We talk about heaven in heaven and heaven on earth. Our ultimate destination, to which we must go, is heaven in heaven! However, we have to live our lives on earth before we go there. This means that your life here on earth is important. Only when you live a good life on earth can you have eternal life as children receiving God’s love in the eternal world, heaven in heaven. To live a good life on earth you should unite with True Parents and fulfill God’s dream and humankind’s hope. This dream is to build heaven on earth, a world with no war and a world in which all people attend True Parents and Heavenly Parent, the true owner. It is a world with one human family, which humankind longs for! May you become ministers who guide others to that path and may your names go down in history. 

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