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True Mother's New Year Message at the Cheonshimwon's Special Prayer Vigil for the start of the New Year 2024 (December 31,2023)
Date created : 2024-01-29/ Views : 1452


 Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent!


True Mother’s New Year Midnight Message

True Mother’s message January 1, 2024, based on the recording of her message on January 1, 2014.


“Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent!”

We should not forget about our Heavenly Parent in our daily life. We should be able to preserve this earthly realm, which was created by God, the Creator, during our lives on earth. Our mission is to witness to and educate people. Fallen people must go through restoration. What we have to do is to witness.

Next, we must expand our influence over our surroundings and be able to preserve the beautiful creation that our Heavenly Parent made investing all his power. Please think of the great damage inflicted on the entire world today as a result of human ignorance. We are suffering a lot of damage due to yellow dust and fine dust blowing in from the vast territory of China. It’s not just our country of Korea. This dust moves across the Pacific Ocean on the winds all the way to Hawaii, even. This is a problem that needs to be considered. It is not something that will stop just because we suffer less damage today.

People must be awakened from their ignorance and must preserve the environment well. We must save the dying land and oceans. It is we who must do it. We should feel true ownership just as God does and become one in all respects, cooperating with one another to fulfill this work. We must do this with everything. People without a sense of responsibility for everything will drift away.

To be the true owners, we must not forget the restoration of this country and the world, even for a day, an hour, or a minute. We must reflect on it repeatedly, borrow Heaven’s wisdom, mobilize all the methods and skills we can muster as humans and resolve the problem. If we fail to resolve this problem, we also have no future. You need to be aware of this.

We are a unified family. We are one family. When it comes to this goal, we must achieve it with one heart and one will, no matter where we are.

Let us become true devoted sons and daughters who can achieve higher results with every passing month and year based on which our Creator, the Heavenly Parent, can delight in and trust us. We must not be people who keep changing back and forth. You need to act responsibly in everything with a sense of ownership. This is my message, given with blessing, as this New Year begins.


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