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True Mother’s Blessing Prayer at the 2023 Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Festival Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Holy Birth of Hak Ja Han Moon, True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Date created : 2023-05-27/ Views : 4229

True Mother’s Blessing Prayer at the 2023 Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Festival Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Holy Birth of Hak Ja Han Moon, True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind


May 7, 2023, HJ Global Arts Center


Beloved Heavenly Parent,

For 6,000 years, Heavenly Parent, have You have walked a strenuous course, searching for Your lost children. Today, after 6,000 years, through the True Parents on earth, many blessed sons and daughters whom You can embrace in Your bosom, have been born.

It is an unprecedented occasion not only in providential history but also in human history as You preside directly on earth today, as you have dreamed of doing, particularly on this land, over the blessing of more than 8,000 virtuous individuals and blessed couples both here at the World Center and throughout 150 countries. As we consider that this is a Blessing that You, Heavenly Parent, are directly presiding over on this day, we are grateful to You, Heavenly Parent. We are deeply grateful and indebted to You.

Please remember True Parents' arduous journey. This will be the day of the dedication of Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum, where we can attend You, Heavenly Parent. We offer you our thanks, Heavenly Parent.

Gratitude fills our hearts today. Heavenly Parent, please accept this joy and glory. I pray that all 8,000 couples who have been blessed today fulfill their responsibility to everyone. Let them guide the eight billion people around the world to Heavenly Parent's bosom in the shortest possible time so that they can become blessed couples in whom you can have increasing hope and whom You will remember and be proud of. Please grant them Your wisdom and ability. We pledge that they will become Cheon Il Guk blessed couples of which You will be proud and who will fulfill their duties as filial sons and daughters and loyal subjects to You. Please accept them with joy.

In True Parents' name we offer and proclaim these words. Aju.

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