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True Mother’s message at the Ceremony Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)] (April 21, 2022)
Date created : 2022-04-30/ Views : 1730
[True Mother’s message at the Ceremony Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)]

Date: March 21 in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk (April 21, 2022)
Venue: HJ Global Art Center (Cheongshim Peace World Center)

Beloved leaders and WFWP members from home and abroad, how long has it been? Has it been three years? I am delighted to see you.

After the fall, the male-oriented human history was a series of wars and conflicts. Particularly in Europe, which was a Christian environment in the medieval times, women did not have much of a status anywhere. However, it was the women who led the way when their nations were in danger. The people of Israel, especially after Jesus was crucified, were a people without a nation that had to wander around for two thousand years. The reason Israel was able to become the nation it is today was that they had women, mothers, who practiced the traditions of Judaism in their households.

At this point in time, when we are working to establish Cheon Il Guk on the victorious foundation of True Parents, the role of women is quite important. They need to take the lead in educating others on the Heavenly Parent. The only way for fallen humanity to return to the embrace of our Heavenly Parent, the Creator, is through True Parents. Therefore, you who have received the Blessing need to educate those in your families, tribes, nations and the world, so that all of fallen humanity can rise to the position where they can earn the right to attend our Heavenly Parent. Do you understand what I mean?

Doing volunteer work is good in itself. It is what we have been doing until now. There are more than two hundred nations on this Earth with many problems of their own. Nevertheless, we also need to let them know the essence with which they were born, and help them realize that the only way for them to be blessed is to become our Heavenly Parent’s children through True Parents. Korea, in particular, is meant to become the homeland of our Heavenly Parent. For the Korean Peninsula to walk the path toward Heavenly Unified Korea, the efforts of True Parents as well as your own are required. However, at the same time, its people also need to know the truth of the providence, the essence of the Creator and why they were born. [We need to let them know that]… they are not worthless people who were meant to live and end their days in self-satisfaction.

At present, we are creating an environment where we can attend Heavenly Parent on earth. The nation of Korea, in particular, is home to the people that gave birth to the only begotten Daughter for the first time in six thousand years. As such, it should not be divided into two nations but be united as one. To that end, we need to educate the two Koreas on not only the providence of Heaven but also the truth of history, so that they can stand in a position to fulfill their respective duties. In this regard, the role of women is particularly important.

A mother’s role does not end after she has nurtured the baby in her womb for ten months and given birth to it. She continues to protect it and keep an eye on it at all times, so that the baby can grow up healthy and well. The mother needs to devote herself and make every effort until the moment when the baby can make decisions on its own and determine between right and wrong. The people of Korea, in particular, need to know how to do so in order to help them fulfill their responsibilities as Heaven’s chosen people. In light of past history, the people of Korea are to be pitied. They were invaded many times by foreign powers. Though they also had their years of glory, in the end they settled down in the Korean Peninsula because they hated war. And in the process of completing the great providence of Heaven, which could only be realized through the Korean people, they had to go through indescribable sufferings. However, thanks to heavenly protection, the Korean people have given birth to True Parents, the ancestors of humanity long awaited by Heaven who can transform all humanity into His children. The question is, what would have happened if the providence of the only begotten Daughter had been begun in earnest at the time of their advent?

It is True Parents, True Mother the only begotten Daughter, who can give rebirth to the fallen humanity. Next year, we are scheduled to dedicate Cheon Il Temple where we will be able to attend our Heavenly Parent. Then, indeed, the substantial environment for which Heaven has waited and wished and yearned for six thousand years will take root on earth. The problem is that the people of the Korean Peninsula, particularly every person in South Korea, need to be engrafted as Heavenly Parent’s subjects. And it is you, the members of WFWP, who are meant to play a critical role in this task.

You need to educate those around you with a maternal heart, so that the people in your regions, tribes and the nation itself can receive our Heavenly Parent’s Blessing and rise to the position of His true children through True Parents. Our path lies in splendor before us. There is nothing to stop us. We can be confident. We have nothing to be afraid of. What is making you hesitate? I have told you several times that, if you march forward together with me, miracles will be wrought. Do you believe me? (Aju)

Moreover, your achievements as WFWP members will also win great medals for your husbands. Aren’t you motivated to know that you are killing two birds with one stone? I hope that you will all become WFWP members who are qualified to establish Heaven’s traditions and educate others and help them be reborn as His true sons and daughters. I believe in all of you. Let us do our best. “End”

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