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Summit for Peace on the Korean Peninsula - Special Address by True Mother (February 13, 2022)
Date created : 2022-02-26/ Views : 2097
True Mother’s Speech

Despite the current difficult situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, I believe that you world leaders yearning for peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula will find your heartfelt hope fulfilled. Thank you.
Today, the world is facing many difficulties. Though there are more than two hundred nations on the planet, they all pursue a common hope: a united and peaceful world. And yet, despite this hope, human history has been increasing riddled with wars and conflicts.
At the outset, God, the Creator, the owner of the universe, created all things in the world as well as the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, who were to become humankind’s ancestors. He waited for them to pass through their time of growth to perfect themselves. They failed to do this, however, and instead humanity was cut off from God, the Creator, as we see today. Nonetheless, our omniscient and omnipotent Creator has been the same from beginning to end.

The necessity of True Parents
God must usher in the day of victory at all costs. To that end, True Parents must triumph among all humankind and become the human ancestors, only then can the one family of humanity live in the kingdom of heaven on earth as desired by the Creator. For six thousand years, God has been the parent searching for his lost children. That is why God permitted religions to sprout in each region, to best lead the local people and teach them to make their way toward goodness. In the midst of it, Heaven had to select his chosen people and carry out his providence of salvation to restore through indemnity the mistake made by the first human beings, who were destined to become humanity’s ancestors.
God’s history has been one of indescribable and laborious patience and perseverance. After toiling for four thousand years, God was finally able to bring about the birth of his only begotten son whom he could claim as his own. However, according to the principle of creation, the only begotten son alone is not enough. That is why not only the family that gave birth to the only begotten son but also all the people of Israel had to create an environment in which he could uphold Heaven’s providence. This, however, did not come to pass. 

Instead, Jesus died on the cross and promised to come again and hold the marriage feast of the lamb. Christianity has continued through his disciples and has continued to spread for two thousand years. Yet, I would like to ask you this: Is today’s Christian environment ready to receive the messiah who promised to come again? The environment in which fallen humanity can be embraced by Heaven was created through the birth of True Parents.

We must be resurrected
In other words, fallen humanity can become children of God, the Creator, our Heavenly Parent, only when they are reborn and resurrected through True Parents. The central figures who can unravel the tangled threads of wrongful history were born on the Korean Peninsula after six thousand years.
True Parents came to be in 1960. And the providence by which True Parents can give rebirth and resurrection to humanity as Heavenly Parent’s children is the true family movement and the marriage blessing. Everyone among fallen humanity, regardless of who they may be, can become a child of Heavenly Parent through True Parents. They all must become his children. The dream of God, the Creator, is to live together with True Parents and his children in the kingdom of heaven on earth. The first step toward that dream was taken in 1960.
Simply put, the owner of the universe and this planet is God, the Creator, our Heavenly Parent. Though there are many nations and strong powers in the world, they can attain their rights as such only when they stand in the position of attending our Heavenly Parent. They do not have ownership. Countries can be established only when Heaven says, “Yes, since you have done your best to make your part of the world beautiful, you can govern over this nation.”

In other words, all religions in the world have reached their last stop. Everyone must get off at the last stop. All that is left is for them to get off and become one with True Parents in order to attend our Heavenly Parent, the owner of the universe. The same is also true for the Korean people. What made the Korean people, who share the same culture, lineage and traditions, divide into North Korea and South Korea? Korea is the one and only divided nation on the globe. Only when Korea is unified can there be peace in Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia. Do you understand? You should know that we, the people living in the world today, need to become children attending Heavenly Parent through True Parents, for we are connected to God by heavenly law.
I have already said that a world of true peace, freedom, equality, unity and happiness with humanity living in it as one family centering on Heavenly Parent, can only be realized when the Korean people and all other nations attend Heaven as their Parent. In this regard, as the True Parent, I wish to make a request of the citizens of South Korea and North Korea. I hope for South Korea and North Korea to unite as one with me and become one brethren and achieve true unification on the Korean Peninsula. Only then can all human beings in the world become the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parent and achieve world peace and unity in this age and generation.
 Until now, humanity was ignorant of the fact that all of us and all nations are connected to Heaven by heavenly law, and as a result, this beautiful earth has become dilapidated. And it is becoming continually worse, with climate change, the rise in sea level and especially natural disasters. Last year, there were horrendous wildfires, tornadoes and heavy rain in the North American continent alone, which caused much loss of both life and property. What about China and Asia? Every continent suffered incalculable damage in life and property. Moreover, many lives have been lost during the past two years due to the coronavirus pandemic. And the truth is that we have no idea what other changes will take place and will cause even more problems. All of that was brought about by the failure of humankind.

Now, we are the position of children who should attend Heavenly Parent. As children who have been unfilial until now, it is our duty to make our God’s dream come true on earth. Should we then just sit back and watch? All of humanity in the world needs to unite as one and fulfill our responsibilities, which are to return this world to its original state. That is what we, the people living in the world today, are required to do.

We have heard many good words from people who are attending today’s event from all parts of the world. Everyone is praying for our hopes to come true, with the firm belief that they will. Yes, they will come true. The question is whether we can qualify ourselves as children attending God as our parent.
I am passing on our dreams to future generations, our grandchildren, who will take charge of this earth and its inhabitants in future. If we had united and made earth into the kingdom of heaven on earth, where we live in attendance to our Heavenly Parent, what would our lives on earth have been like? After creating all things in the world, our Creator finally created our human ancestors and told them to have dominion over everything. The unfallen world is continuing to maintain itself in accordance with the circuital law of the principle of creation. The problem is that much of the world has been destroyed by humankind.

My favorite flower is the daffodil, which is the first to blossom from frozen soil when spring comes. It makes me think about how I can comfort Heavenly Parent’s heart, He is looking upon human history and how it has become wretched and agonizing through the Fall.
The daffodil is the first to break through the frozen soil and tell the world that spring has come. Looking at it, I am reminded of how I am still weak and how much I have been restricted by my environment in carrying out my responsibilities as the True Parent during the past sixty years. Yet, I did not stop, and as a result, there are many allies like you on my side today. Thank you. Let us all endeavor to become the true children of our Heavenly Parent through True Parents, who work together as filial sons and daughters to make God’s dream and wish come true on earth. Thank you.

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