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No Subject Date created Views
Notice PeaceTV App - E-Book Updates 2021.12.01 918
64 Live Broadcast Kanagawa HJ Peace Loving Festival 2017.10.12 535
63 聖和慶典的現場轉播 天地人真父母文鮮明聖和五周年紀念大會 2017.08.30 169
62 Live Broadcast of the Seonghwa Festival Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 2017.08.30 4481
61 Announcement Regarding the Live Broadcast of Special Gathering to Celebrate True Parents' Return and the Victorious Rally for the Hopeful March Forward of America 2017.07.31 490
60 Peace TV Kakao Plus Friend Promotional Video 2017.07.17 1122
59 Announcement Regarding the Live Broadcast of True Parents at the Garden 2017.07.05 564
58 Announcement Regarding the Live Broadcast of the Special Gathering to Celebrate the Launching of YSP in Asia-Pacific, the Hopeful March Forward of Korea, and True Parents' Return 2017.06.14 176
57 Announcement Regarding the Live Broadcast of Inauguration of Youth and Students for Peace in Asia-Pacific 2017.06.07 352
56 Announcement Regarding the Live Broadcast of True Parents’ Special Briefing on the Korea, Japan and USA Hope Spearhead Rally for Victory 2017.05.17 278
55 Announcement regarding the live broadcast for True Parents' Special Gathering in Japan - The Hyo Jeong Culture Festival in Tokyo- 2017.05.13 166
54 2017 Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Hyojeong Cheongpyeong Special Great Works 2017.04.24 30
53 Announcement regarding the live broadcast for the 57th Anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding 2017.04.07 304
52 Annonce concernant la retransmission en direct des événements commémorant l'anniversaire des Vrais Parents et le quatrième anniversaire du Jour de la Fondation 2017.01.23 581
51 Announcement regarding the live broadcast for Events Commemorating True Parents' Birthday and the Fourth Anniversary of Foundation Day 2017.01.23 2892
50 Discours et prière du Rév. Lee Ki Sung pour le Rév. Hong Sun Jeong 2016.12.03 18

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