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True Peace Magazine

[2024-01] True Peace Magazine January 2024 Issue (The 12th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 105 ]

[2024-01] True Peace Magazine January 2024 Issue (The 12th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)

Article One

02     _Advancing Forward in 2024: Embracing Change and Progress



True Parents’ Messages

04     _The Role and Mission of the Messiah


06     _The Role of Blessed Families in the Era of Cheon Il Guk



Special on True Parents

08     _Christmas Special Luncheon Hosted by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind



Special Feature

10     _Namyangju Grand Church’s True Love Festival for North-South Unification

14     _2023 Heavenly Unified Korea Leaders North-South Unification Prayer Meeting in Changwon


Special Briefing

18     _Acknowledging Six Months of Progress: A Tribute to Growth and Effort


HJ news

22     _Yang Chang-shik, Chairman of UPF International, Makes a Diplomatic Visit to Cambodia

24     _UPF Asia-Pacific Region Co-Hosts Conference with Sri Lanka Parliament and Parliamentary Leaders

26     _Universal Peace Academy’s Heavenly Top Gun Missionary Activities

30     _5th North-South Unification Prayer Assembly and Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Cheonshim Training



News from the Regions

33     _New Jersey Witnessing Guest Care Assembly

34     _Heavenly Asia-Pacific: Living for the Sake of Others - Awards Presentation in Australia Awards Presentation

35     _Uniting for Peace: São Paulo Hosts Landmark Event Nominating New Ambassadors

36     _Special Sunday Service:A Celebration of 1000 New Members in Brazil

37     _National Blessing in the Dominican Republic: Expanding the Blessing of True Parents



Hyojeong Testimony

38     _How I Came to Understand God and  True Parents on a Deeper Level

[2023-12] True Peace Magazine December Issue (The 11th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 80 ]

[2023-12] True Peace Magazine December Issue (The 11th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)

Article One

02     _A Journey to Rebirth: Navigating the New Era with True Mother’s Embrace




True Parents’ Messages

04     _Our Mission in the Last Days of Providential History


06     _Now is a time when Courage and Wisdom Are Needed for Pastors and Youth Leaders




Special on True Parents

08     _Special Thanksgiving Luncheon with True Mother




Special 1

10     _Special Hyo Jeong Seminar for Leaders of Korea




Special 2

16     _2023 Autumn Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works

20     _The Grace of Cheonshimwon Providence

22     _Excerpts from Testimonies of the Grace of Cheonshimwon from Families Around the World




HJ news

24     _Universal Peace Federation, 21st Heavenly Korea Forum

26     _20th Anniversary Ceremony of  the Sunhak UP Graduate University




News from the Regions

28     _Official Grand Opening of Gather Family Church

29     _The 3rd European Tongil Moo Do Workshop (Finland)

31     _Philippine Clergy Nation-Building Seminar “Together: Solving Youth and Family Problems”

34     _Promoting Interfaith Cooperation for Peace in Indonesia

36     _Interfaith Leaders Unite for Peace in Peru




Hyojeong Testimony

37     _No Matter What – We Don’t Give Up

[2023-11] True Peace Magazine November Issue (The 10th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 116 ]

[2023-11] True Peace Magazine November Issue (The 10th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)


Article One

02     _A Journey to Rebirth: Navigating the New Era with True Mother’s Embrace


True Parents’ Messages

04     _The World of Peace that True Parents Envision

06     _6,000 Years of Human History and the Present Time, Seen from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence



Special on True Parents

08     _True Mother’s Visit to Gapyeong Begonia Bird Park & Aqua Garden Cafe in the HJ Cheonwon Complex




Special Feature

10     _Raise the Flag and Lead in the Era of True Mother’s Embrace

16     _Devotions at Cheon Shim Won: Leaders from Korea, Japan, and the US

17     _RESURGENCE: Hyojeong in the Era of True Mother’s Embrace

21     _Special Invitational Breakfast with Universal Peace Academy (UPA) Members and Cheon Il Guk Youth Emissaries Hosted by True Mother

22     _Era of Cheon Won Gung and Our Faith Centering on True Parents

25     _Special service to celebrate the victory of True Mother’s USA Tour



HJ news

28     ___Pledge Service and Gyeongbae Ceremony at Pajuwonjon and Inauguration Ceremony of the Pajuwon Memorial Building

30     _Visit of President of the Mandaean World Congress, Mr. Fouad Sobbi, and his wife to South Korea




News from the Regions

32     _UN World Peace Day Commemoration: International Leaders Conference (ILC) – Paraguay

34     _Strengthening Families & Unveiling of the Dove of Peace on the 8th Anniversary of Tlaxco as a Magical Town

36     _Prayer for Peace in Argentina and the World

38     _Character Education Campaign in Schools and Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

39     _Togo Awareness Campaign Young People: Equipped for a Fulfilled and Responsible Life




Hyojeong Testimony

41     _An Unyielding Spirit: A Determined Journey Across Borders

[2023-10] True Peace Magazine October Issue (The 9th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 60 ]

[2023-10] True Peace Magazine October Issue (The 9th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)

Article One

02     _The Missionary Work Around the World: A Ray of Hope for the Fulfillment of Heaven’s Providence



True Parents’ Messages

04     _Peace in the World

06     _Our Responsibility in the Era of Cheon Il Guk



Special on True Parents

08     _Speech by True Mother at the Special Gathering for Young People from Heavenly Europe and the Middle East



Special Feature

The 11th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

10     _Pledge Service to Commemorate the 11th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, True Parent of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

16     _A Worldwide Remembrance and Celebration

21     _Reports of 40 Days of Special Activities and Jeongseong in Preparation for the 11th Anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa


HJ news

26     ___Report on FFWPU President Song Yong-cheon’s Tour of Africa

31     _Hyojeong Youth Pilgrimage A Quest for Heavenly Parent’s Dream and Our True Selves

34     _Universal Peace Federation’s (UPF) 18th Anniversary Ceremony

35     _Inauguration Ceremony of the President of the National Federation for the Unification Movement of North and South Korea


News from the Regions

37     _Peace Road Argentina 2023 – Forum on Religious Freedom


Hyojeong Testimony

39     _Where You Lead Me, I Will Follow

[2023-09] True Peace Magazine September Issue (The 8th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 59 ]

[2023-09] True Peace Magazine September Issue (The 8th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)

Article One
02 Unification is not something to wait for, but something we should make!

True Parents’ Messages
04 The Pacific Rim civilization and the Korean peninsula
06 The Essential Truth for Fulfilling Divine Providence

Special on True Parents
08 Moon Jeong-Ah’s First Birthday Celebration
10 Taiwanese Trainees’ Special Gathering on the 21st

Special 1
12 International Leadership Conference (ILC) Cambodia: 
Peace and Democracy Observation of  Cambodia’s General Election 2023
16 Cambodia’s Election: A Glimpse into Democracy and Transition

HJ news
18 Song Yong-cheon’s FFWPU-International World Tour: Heavenly Continent of Asia

Special 2
12 Vision 2025: Towards Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

News from the Regions
28 The 2023 Peace Road Unity March: A Global Endeavor for Unity and Peace
30 2023 Summer Workshop Recap
Heavenly America 
35 Powerful Experiences in Cheon Shim Won USA
Heavenly Latin America
39 High Noon’s ‘Life Without Shadows’ International Youth Workshop
41 Eternal Rest in Costa Rica
43 Paraguay’s New Beginning: Presidential Inauguration and a United Vision for Peace
Heavenly Africa
45 A New Dawn: Celebrating the Journey of Cameroon’s 4th Batch of Youth Missionaries

Hyojeong Testimony
46 AA Tribute to Our Missionaries of 1975 

[2023-08] True Peace Magazine August Issue (The 7th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)
[ Views : 84 ]

[2023-08] True Peace Magazine August Issue (The 7th month of the 11th year of Cheon Il Guk)

Article One

02     _Embarking on a Journey of Hope: The FFWPU International President’s Tour of Europe




True Parents’ Messages

04     One Family under God

06     _Founder’s Special Address at the International Leadership Conference Opening Ceremony: Cambodia ILC




HJ news

08     ___True Mother Visits the Cheon Il Guk National Broadcasting Channel - PeaceTV Studios


Sunday Service Sermon

10     _If we are earnest, it will surely come to pass

20     _Obeying the Word and Fulfilling Our Given Mission




News from the Regions

HEAVENLY Central and South America

24     _Historical Empathy: Reflecting on Peace in the Chaco Region

26     _Leadership and Good Governance: A Seminar of Enlightenment and Commitment

28     _“WeCoffeeing”, a YSP South America company centered on Hyojeong’s heart



30     _Charting New Paths: The 2nd European Tong-Il Moo-Do Workshops in Albania



32     _The Grand Inauguration of Cheon Shim Won Africa Prayer Hall

39     _Seven Days of Empowerment:Youth Leadership Training




Hyojeong Testimony

34     A Letter to True Mother

36     _An Invisible Hand at Work:From Citizen to Mayor




CIG News - Culture

38     _Kang Mi-sun, Universal Ballet’s Principal Dancer Wins Prestigious ‘Benois de la Danse’ Dance Award

39     _Cheon Won Sa Publishing:__Introducing a New Collection of Books Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of True Mother

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