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5th Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World (28th of February 2021)
Date created : 2021-03-18/ Views : 2511
Fifth Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World
Feb.28, 2021 - Cheongshim World Peace Center

Fifth Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World Feb.28, 2021 - Cheongshim World Peace Center Respected leaders, peace ambassadors, and beloved blessed families in and outside the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community! Today, we can no longer delay things. The time has come to make a resolution. Human history and civilizations have developed along rivers. Though 5,000 long years have passed since the Egyptian civilization flourished centered on the River Nile, Egypt today possesses a cultural heritage that is like a miracle. They were aware that life on earth was short, and sought to go as close as possible to Heaven, with the hope that they might live forever in the eternal world. As a result, their heritage shows how much devotion they invested for that I am sure you all know about this. The largest pyramid erected in the middle of the desert is like a 44-floor skyscraper. You cannot but wonder where and how they got those huge stones that weighed almost 2.5 tons each 5,000 years ago, and how they moved them to the desert to erect what is now an incredible, historical heritage site. Their interest, however, was solely how to receive Heaven’s compassion. Though it was a huge kingdom, they placed more importance on the temple than the royal palace, and prayed for a way to move closer to Heaven through the pyramids for the sake of future generations Though fallen humanity may not have known why they had fallen, it is clear that they have always lived with a [strong] will to worship God. The Creator created all things in heaven and on earth, and created a man and a woman who were to become the first human ancestors. They were to grow to maturity and perfection of heart, and then receive the Marriage Blessing, on the basis of which God would dwell with them. In other words, the Creator desired to become the Parent of humanity. However, as the result of human fall, this did not happen. Ever since, human history has been one of war, conflict, and pain, a history that spawned indescribable problems. And now, we are seeing so many incidents that increasingly threaten human life. One of these is COVID-19. The natural disasters happening around the world result from humanity’s ignorance. Since the only way to keep His principles of creation and correct what had gone wrong was through a perfected man and a perfected woman from among people, God chose the people of Israel as His chosen people and over four-thousand long years, the providential history of salvation and restoration through indemnity unfolded. If the religious leaders and the people of Israel had accepted Jesus as the Messiah, and formed an environment through which he could emerge as the True Parents… The roads of the great Roman empire were said to reach out to the world. The Roman Empire would have been unified, and a new history centered on Heavenly Parent would have unfolded. Sadly, that did not happen. It was the apostles, resurrected through the Holy Spirit, that started Christianity. After Christianity was recognized in the Roman Empire in 313, the faith spread across the continent of Europe and reached the island nation of Great Britain. Great Britain then began expanding its empire to the world across the seas. That is why there is a saying that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Alongside this development, several nations in Europe as well as England began mission work across the world. Unfortunately, they also did not properly know God. They did not know Jesus’ true nature. Jesus said: “Love your neighbor as yourself” [Matthew 22:39]. However, [sometimes] they (missionaries) gave more importance to the interests of their nations over those of their mission countries. . In conclusion, the era and sphere of the Atlantic civilization opened and spread to the entire world, but is now becoming a civilization of plunder. The Industrial Revolution and the development of science may have brought peace to humankind, but it enslaved people to a materialistic civilization. In the process many problems arose and Christianity also made a lot of mistakes. How could communism, which proclaims God is dead, rise from Christianity that serves God? It is the fault of human beings. God is almighty and powerful. He is the beginning and end. Hence, He [His providence] could not stop. God sent His only begotten Son, but could not send His only begotten Daughter. Hence, He had to choose a people through whom He could send His only begotten daughter. He chose an oriental country with courteous people, in this case the Korean people. Many problems arose because Christianity imposed faith based on a man-made system. This generated a lot of problems and gave rise to the Reformation. Thus, the Puritans, desiring more than anything else to freely practice their faith, and serve God left Europe. This migration led to the establishment of the United States. God blessed the United States as a Protestant nation and desired that they prepare the environment to welcome the returning Lord. In the meantime, God was ardently preparing the birth of His Only Begotten Daughter who can conclude the 6,000-year providential history. As Jesus died on the cross, he said he would return and conduct the marriage supper of the lamb. Hence, the returning Messiah must meet his counterpart, God’s Only Begotten Daughter. Without God’s only begotten Daughter, the Messiah cannot realize his dream. Back then, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule, but ended up being divided between the North and the South as a result of the Soviet Union and the Allied Forces. It was a division between democracy and communism. If the United States had known of God’s providence back then, then things could have taken a different turn. God saved His only begotten Daughter from danger and protected democratic South Korea. It was truly a miracle. Knowing God’s providence, the True Parents, who emerged in 1960, stood in the most desperate position of having to continue to realize God’s providence in the absence of a supporting environment. It was amid such urgent circumstances that we saw how the United States, a nation that stands in the same position as the Roman Empire in front of the people of Israel, a nation representing the world as a liberal democratic nation, was being swayed by communism. We [simply] could not let that happen and so we moved to the United States and worked to revive that nation. Through this, many young people in the United States joined the Unification Movement, and many of them were dispatched as missionaries around the world in 1975. To this day, they are still working around the world with unwavering loyalty to God. Heavenly Parent’s dream and humanity’s hope is to have all the 7.8 billion people of the world recognize that Heavenly Parent is their parent, and that True Parents are the ones who are to help them go in front of Heavenly Parent and be reborn. Thus, families who have received the blessing of True Parents, must become true children of Heavenly Parent, and then 6,000 years of ignorance and lack of it of loyalty to God will be erased. and resolve one by one all things of the creation that was destroyed due to human ignorance, restoring them back to their original state, is only possible when the True Parents are on earth. As the True Parent, I am constantly striving to create an environment that I can show to all of humanity and say, “This Cheonwon Complex is what the Kingdom of Heaven on earth would look like, where people dwell with Heavenly Parent as their parent.” Yesterday, while coming out from the Buheung Department Store, a young Seonghwa student joyfully exclaimed that it took nine years for her to see me Looking at how happy she was upon seeing me so close, I could not, but think of the 7.8 billion people and how regretful they would feel when they go to the spiritual world for not knowing that the True Parents had come to earth, and how the True Parents have paved the way to bring about a world of peace. This is also why I can no longer delay the work of Heavenly Parent’s providence. At this very moment, today, I need your new resolve and determination. I have said that the Korean people are a people chosen by God. Though the two Koreas are still divided, we dream of a Heavenly Unified Korea. This dream will absolutely come true. The Korean people will unite and become one, and surf on the powerful wave of the heavenly civilization through the Asia Pacific Civilization, we will loudly sound the trumpet announcing to all five oceans and six continents the birth of the True Parents, and that Heavenly Parent is the Parent of humankind. Until all 7.8 billion people of the world can kneel down and offer gratitude and glory to Heavenly Parent, I call you to press on from this moment.

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