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His Eminence Kelvin Edward Felix Cardinal, Archbishop emeritus of Castries (2020.09.27)
Date created : 2020-10-23/ Views : 1856

I consider it a privilege to be part of this celebration marking the 15th anniversary of the Universal Peace Federation.

It reminds us that we are all God’s children, His Family and we have a sacred duty to work together to bring about peace in this world.

So we thank Mother Moon who works so tirelessly to make Peace a reality in the world of today by her mission of sympathy for families who are struggling and suffering in many different situations.

We thank her again for her constant prayer that God may bless the work of the Universal Peace Federation and make His Presence felt in all the sufferings and, that families have to endure.


When Jesus came to His disciples on the evening of His Resurrection, the first thing he said to them was: “Peace be with you!”.  That greeting has not changed.

It is that same greeting that has brought us together at this time and place.

Peace comes from the presence of someone who made us in love and keeps us in His grace; someone we can count on to be with us in all things and under all circumstances.

When we are in God's presence, we are with One who knows us better than anyone does,  and who wants us to have the best (that) life can offer.

In such a presence, we have an inner calm that exceeds human understanding and measurement.


This gathering invites us into the presence of God where the gift of Peace awaits us. So that in each session, we can discover that God is nearer to us than we are to ourselves.

To know God's presence in this way, is to be at peace.




Let us pray.

Father, look upon us gathered here, Your children, seeking the peace that You have brought to the world.

Use us as Your instruments, so that we can be bearers of that peace:

Bringing love where there is hatred.

Pardon where there is injury.

And hope where there is despair.

Bless each one of us and empower us to go out into this world, to bring Your message of peace to our brothers and sisters.

This we ask to Christ our Lord.


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