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Special Victory Luncheon to Celebrate True Parents’ Safe Return, Heavenly Europe’s Hopeful March Forward Rally and the 2018 Cheongpyeong Hyo Jeong International Azalea Festival, True Parents' Message (May 7, 2018)
Date created : 2018-05-17/ Views : 1408

Special Luncheon to Celebrate True Parents’ Return and the Victories of the Rally in Heavenly Europe and the Azalea Festival

True Parents' Message

May 7, 2018


We cannot just speak anymore. Now is the time. I told you this was your golden age. It is the golden age only while I am still here. Therefore, those in blessed families, especially leaders, must be victorious during this golden age, as those who carry this responsibility. You cannot postpone this any further. Families who have been victorious as tribal messiahs, you cannot stop there. When going toward the victory of the greater goal of national restoration, tribal messiahs must have the goal of becoming national messiahs. If 80 percent of you do this, you have already reached the higher ground. Reaching the higher ground means that you have realized national restoration. Families who have fulfilled Families who have fulfilled their tribal messiah mission, if you are diligent and make the nation your goal and go forward as national messiahs… Furthermore members in Korea, I have said Korea God’s homeland. It is the homeland of all humankind in the world. We have to have complete victory, don't we? In this position, we must proclaim to the world. We do not have much time to do this. Therefore, as we start this year, especially in the spring, farmers become very busy. If they do not work busily, in the autumn, from the harvest they will not have good results. It is the same here. The goal of our Family Federation for a Heavenly Korea is national restoration. Restoration of the homeland! Should we run towards this goal or should we go towards it without haste? We are busy. From when you wake up in the morning until you sleep at night you must attend Heaven and reflect and repent on whether you fulfilled your responsibilities as a true child to True Parents. Each day, you must live a life in which you once again make the determination to without fail produce results leading toward your goal. If you do not do this, you will miss this opportunity. This was why I divided Korea into five sub-regions. Since then I have heard that through the Cheongpyeong works, Lee Ki-seong has lit a fire among the members. Will that fire come up from the South? Will it come up from Gangwon Province? You must compete in good faith. Do you understand? Thus, for each district to produce many tribal messiah families is good. I would like to ask those who have already fulfilled their tribal messiah responsibility to head toward the greater goal and to do their best until they ascend the high ground of victory in the position of national level tribal messiahs. The beginning years of Christianity were truly life or death for them. From within an environment lacking understanding, Christians waited with unbending hearts for Jesus Christ who prophesized he would return. They were fed to lions and put in pots of boiling oil. In Christianity’s early history, Christians experienced the greatest pain to their physical bodies but still invariably followed God's will. You here today have been reborn through the victorious True Parents. You are blessed families. If there is persecution around you, is it anything in comparison to the persecution two thousand years ago? It is nothing. In the future when you go to spirit world and meet those people, you will feel embarrassed. For that not to happen you must fulfill your responsibilities. These historical truths! You must enlighten all people until everyone knows this. You must teach them. That is the only way to liberate those [Christians] who died miserable and horrible deaths. Christianity... The door to Christianity still has not completely opened to us. Yet they too must know True Parents. They must know the Family Federation. Through knowing the Family Federation, this merit will climb back to their ancestors, those people [who suffered]. Shouldn't we liberate them? That is what you must do. To do this, they must know this. They must know the historical truth. You must teach them this truth. Go to the largest Christian church in Korea and in front of their door proclaim, "I will give the Sunday sermon! The Messiah you have been waiting for has come! True Parents' providence centered on the Messiah is unfolding rapidly around the world in this way. If you still cling to the past and do not wake up, your past will become one of not fulfilling your responsibilities. Therefore, I have come today to save you! I have come as the messiah of this church and of Christianity!” Go out and proclaim this. Take the challenge! What are you afraid of? Will you do this or will you not? You must wake up those who are sleeping. You cannot leave them to sleep forever. I am telling you all to become messiahs. Do you understand? You must go out and confidently proclaim, “We attend the substantial Holy Spirit, True Mother! What are you afraid of?” Can you do this? Aju!

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